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Cathleen Rainey Art
Plein Air
Painting Plein Air (painting on location) is one of the most rewarding and the most frustrating experiences for me as an artist. Trying to capture what I am seeing, the light, the textures, the colors at an excact moment in time is so challenging. Learning to trust my instincts is even more difficult. But, the reward is a painting that puts the viewer there, in that moment.
Below Saguaro Lakeoil on canvas board 8 x 10 | Van Gogh-ish Agavesoil on canvas board 8 x 10 |
Gateway Trail Viewoil on canvas board 9 x 12 | A Desert Pathoil on canvas board 8 x 10 |
Vulture Mine Washoil on canvas board 8 x 10 |
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